Regular Pricing for a bed in a shared dorm-style room sharing with max. 8-10 participants and a shared bathroom.
Shared room
Our standard cancellation fee is £50.
Cancellations made within 1 month-2 weeks before the workshop will be charged £200.
If cancellations are made within 2 weeks before the workshop, your £350 deposit is non-refundable.We are delighted that you feel the call to join us for THE ART OF MUD: Clay & Lime Plaster Intensive!
After we receive your payment we will contact you with a registration form to fill out and information on how to prepare. Please keep an eye on your SPAM FOLDER, in case our email ends up there.
Arrival to Protopia: 23rd May 3:30pm-5.30pm (before dark) & Leaving Protopia: 30th May 10am-11am
Please contact if you have any questions.